Ohjelmassa pientä syötävää ja juotavaa, Black Out-runoja sekä lautapelejä. Ilta on kaikille osallistujille ilmainen. Minimiosallistujamäärä on 5 henkilöä. Tervetuloa!
Ilmoittaudu täällä: https://goo.gl/forms/TsVqx0GKaBMzRtRm1
If you are a member, former member or not-yet-a member, this is an event for you! Hyvät Martat is organising a hangout 10th of October at 18.00. The location is our club room, Domus Gaudiumim´s Alexander Room, at Leppäsuonkatu 11. You can find a tutorial on our facebook page to help you find the right place.
Come and enjoy some snacks, drinks, black out-poems, board games and our company. Evening is free for all participants. The minimum number of participants is 5 people. Welcome!
Sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/TsVqx0GKaBMzRtRm1
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